1st PERSONA Workshop

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On 26. June 2019, PERSONA held its first workshop at VUB premises in Brussels. The event comprised two keynote speeches and two roundtables and was titled

“Towards a comprehensive method for impact assessment of no-gate crossing technologies at European borders”

Keynote speakers Prof. J. Peter Burgess (VUB) and Dr. Tomas Piatrik (QMUL) held talks about “The ethical border” and the “Analysis of non-intrusive intelligent border management systems and on-the-fly biometric machine intelligence” respectively.

The roundtables specifically resulted in lively debate both, with the audience and among the panellists themselves, sparked by their valuable contributions. Roundtable 1 discussed details concerning PERSONA’s proposed test studies, while roundtable 2 focused on topics surrounding the PERSONA impact assessment method.

For further information, a summary of the event can be found in our PERSONA Newsletter (issue 1) and in our first report on Dissemination and workshops (D6.2).