Biometrics Institute Congress and Biometrics Week
28–31 October, London (UK)
The Biometrics Institute Congress has established itself as the meeting place for the international biometrics community to gather annually in London. It provides an independent platform for off-the-record discussion among the institute’s global multi-stakeholder community.
Either side of the two days of Congress we’re bringing you unmissable workshops and events run by industry-leading biometrics experts. These make up what is now recognised as the official Biometrics Week, run by the Biometrics Institute.
Key themes include
- Responsible & ethical use
- Digital identity
- Technology innovation and their application
- Consumer biometrics
- Intelligent borders and the travel continuum
- Secure documents
- Biometrics for social enablement
- Security and Integrity
- Research and innovation in biometrics
Follow this link for more information.